What are the benefits of regular exercise?

Exercise helps improve cardiovascular health, increase strength and flexibility, boost mood, and manage weight.

How often should I work out?

The frequency of your workouts depends on your goals. Generally, 3-5 times a week is recommended for most people.

What type of exercise is best for weight loss?

A combination of cardiovascular exercise (e.g., running, cycling) and strength training (e.g., weightlifting) is effective for weight loss.

How can I avoid muscle soreness after a workout?

Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts, warm up properly, cool down, and stretch. Proper hydration and nutrition can also help.

Is it better to do cardio before or after strength training?

It's often recommended to do a light warm-up (e.g., 5-10 minutes of cardio) before strength training and save more intense cardio for after.

What should I eat before and after a workout?

Before a workout, consume a balanced meal with carbohydrates and protein. Afterward, focus on protein and nutrients to aid recovery.